Welcome to the Institutional Repository of Vidyasagar University

Dspace@VU is the Open Access Institutional Repository of Vidyasagar University. Research outputs of VU - journal papers, conference papers, reports, theses, patents etc. - are uploaded/self-archived by VU Faculty members / Resarchers who do research on different specialized areas . Interested users can freely download and use documents as most of them are directly accessible and full-text downloadable. 'Request Copy' forms can be used for documents to which direct full-text download is restricted due to publisher embargo. "This repository is administrated by Central Library , Vidyasagar University".

Digitized administrative documents ,Articles of the journals published by the university and old question papers of Vidyasagar University as and when made available have been uploaded in this repository

Repository is indexed by Google, Google Scholar, OAIster, ROAR, OpenDOAR, BASE

"Academic departments are requested to submit to the University Library the list of on-going PhD theses and other research projects taken up by the respective departments with relevant details for uploading in this repository. This information will highlight the research activities in the University as a whole."

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Academic Documents 286

Publication , Ph.D Theses etc

Administrative Documents 3378

Annual Reports, Executive Council Resolution, Court Meeting Resolution, IQAC

Convocation Addresses 20

Hon'ble Vice Chancellor , Chief Guest Address

Events @ VU 61

Seminar , Conference , Syposia etc hosted at Vidyasagar University (VU)