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Authors: Kundu, Kaushik
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce;2007
Abstract: This article has tried to make a review of the significant research works on Organizational Climate. It has been observed that though the term was almost as old as the concept of management itself, an initial framework of Organizational climate was not found until 1964. All the earlier studies on Organizational climate can be broadly classified under three principal approaches - MMOAA, PMOAA, and PMIAA. The first approach essentially emphasise on organizational model, taxonomy, context, and structure. The second approach, PMOAA considers OC as a set of attributes and delves into the question how the organization deals with its members’ perceptions. The third and the last approach (PMIAA) basically enquires into the individual perceptions on the organizational environment. The dimensions for Organizational Climate have been evolved from various researches under the three approaches. Basically the Climate can be divided into two parts: i) Organizational Climate - from organizational viewpoint and ii) Psychological Climate- from individual viewpoint. Finally in search of a unified theory the concept of “Collective Climate” becomes very useful. This concept considers shared individual perceptions of work environment and also considers the influences like technology, demographics, etc. The strategic context of Collective Climate is found to be one of the most effective model for diagnosing Organizational Climate.
Description: 99 - 108
ISSN: 0973-5917
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce Vol.12 [2007]

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