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Title: Chemical Growth of Spherical Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Structural, Optical Properties
Authors: Bhunia, A K
Samanta, P K
Kamilya, T
Saha, S
Keywords: ZnO nanoparticles
Issue Date: 24-Dec-2015
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Science;Vol. 20 [2015]
Abstract: A simple wet chemical method has been successfully used to fabricate Spherical zinc oxide nanoparticles. The structural characteristics were investigated through X-ray diffraction. The crystal unit cell of the nanoparticles was found to be hexagonal. The morphology of the nanostructures was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). SAED pattern of the sample confirms the uniform distribution of nanoparticles. UV-visible spectrum was used to calculate the band gap of the nanoparticles. The value of the band gap also suggests the quantum confinement effect. The photoluminescence spectrum shows shallow deep level visible emission due to various defect states. Thus, our investigation will be very helpful in the development of ZnO based optoelectronic device applications
Description: 205-212
ISSN: 2350-0352
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.20 [2015]

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