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Title: Invariants and Flatness Criteria on an Almost Lagrangian Supermanifolds
Authors: Ali, Md. Showkat
Sarkar, Md. Abu Hanif
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Science;Vol 16 [2012]
Abstract: We studied Bianchi identities on distinguished ssuperconnections [4] and superconnections on an almost Lagrangian supermanifolds [3]. In this paper we studied to set up the necessary machinery to determine when an almost Lagrangian supermanifolds is flat with respect to a given scale and defined bilinear form which is a scale invariant.
Description: 65-73
ISSN: 0972-8791 (Print)
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.16 [2012]

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