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Title: Existence of Weretigers among the Garos and the Khasis of Meghalaya: A Posthuman Perspective
Authors: Chakravorty, Abhishek
Raj, Arpita
Keywords: Indigenous
Issue Date: 18-Jan-2024
Publisher: Registrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102
Series/Report no.: Volume-17;
Abstract: The indigenous communities throughout the world have their own socio-cultural ideologies that always promote their indigenous identities against the hegemonic structure of the mainstream society. In the face of complexities in preserving their indigenous cultural values and practices, they try to cling desperately to their belief-system. Their beliefs transcend the hybridization of mainstream society as reflected in the pages of history. Their attempts to separate themselves from the linear path of history further complicate their indigenous existence. The story of their origin and existence may not coincide with the linear hegemonic community, their myths and rituals may seem to be superstitions and their efforts to preserve them may mark them as backward. But, the philosophies behind their existence tend to resist the impositions and onslaughts of the mainstream ideologies. From that light, attempts can be made to mark the members of the indigenous communities as posthuman figures. Donna Haraway’s posthuman philosophy points towards the concept of cyborg. The cyborg is not just a half man- half machine. It's the core of posthuman existence - a being of both the worlds. The paper will attempt to understand and analyze the beliefs of the Garo and Khasi tribes of North-East India about weretigers- half man- half tiger beings. The weretiger is also a creature belonging to both the worlds- the civilized and the savage. The aim of this paper will be to analyze the psychophilosophical approach of the Khasi and Garo community members towards the weretiger myth vis-à-vis Haraway’s concept of the cyborg, and thus, examine if the indigenous belief assumes a posthuman tint.
Description: PP:1-14
ISSN: 0973-3671
Appears in Collections:Journal of the Department of English - Vol 17 [2024]

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