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Title: Logic of Paryāpti Relation in Navya Nyāya
Authors: Ghosh, Raghunath
Keywords: Samavāya
Issue Date: 30-Mar-2023
Publisher: Registrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102
Series/Report no.: Volume 25;
Abstract: A novel relation called paryāpti has been accepted by the Navya Naiyāyikas for explaining certain cases, which are inexplicable through other relations. This relation is accepted to justify cognition of a property remaining in conjoint objects (vyāsajyavṛttidharma). The term paryāpta means ‘that which does neither exist in less places nor more places’ (anyūṇānatirikta). The property - ‘two-ness’ (dvitva) exists sufficiently or completely or pervadingly in two substances (dvitvaṁ dvayoḥ paryāptam). In the expression - ‘The blue jar is not there’ (nīlo ghaṭo nāsti), the absentee (pratiyogī) is ‘a blue jar’ (nīlo ghaṭaḥ) and the limitors of the absenteeness (pratiyogitāvacchedaka) are both blueness (nīlatva) and jarness (ghaṭatva). The property of being a limitor of an absenteeness (pratiyogitāvacchedaka) remains in both ‘blueness’ (nīlatva) and ‘jarness’ (ghaṭatva) simultaneously through relation called paryāptī. A distinction has also been shown between samavāya and paryāpti.
Description: PP:17-23
ISSN: 0975-8461
Appears in Collections:Philosophy and the Life-world Vol 25 [2022-2023]

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