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dc.contributor.authorBatabyal, Amit Kumar-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper I want to explain Swami Vivekananda’s view on liberation and I want to discuss the path through which one can attain liberation. In his concept of liberation Swami Vivekananda makes asserts that the complete total self-negation is required in the path of Advaita for the one who seeks to realize the true self. Following the traditional ancient Hindu philosophy Vivekananda points out that it is only when man is able to pass beyond the cycle of births, deaths and rebirths, he is able to attain immortality. "Swami Vivekananda belongs to that branch of Vedānta that hold that no one can be truly free until all of us sacrifice for others. Even desire for personal salvation one has to be given up, and only tireless work for the salvation of others is the true mark of the enlightened person. The Upaniṣadic sages refuse to be satisfied with anything other than mokṣa. Mokṣa isthe cessation of the cycle of birth and death and all kinds of pain. It is the realization of oneness with Brahman. Of all the traditional systems of Indian philosophy Advaita view of mokṣa appears to be the best. As per this view on the attainment of freedom nothing happens to the world, only our view of itchanges. The soul only assumes the form of its true nature. Mokṣa is not the abolition of the self, butrealization of its true nature- realization of self. It is like the finding of the golden ring which is all the time in our possession. It is an inward realization, not a gift from the above. By following Vedāntin tradition Vivekananda holds that liberation in life is that state of life wherein the last trance of egoism and selfishness have been given up.en_US
dc.publisherRegistrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 25;-
dc.subjectNiṣkāma karmaen_US
dc.titleSwami Vivekananda’s Concept of Liberation : An Estimateen_US
Appears in Collections:Philosophy and the Life-world Vol 25 [2022-2023]

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