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Title: An Application of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relation Predicting Scores in Game Theory
Authors: Akter, Mousumi
Karim, Md.Nasimul
Hossain, Md. Sahadat
Keywords: Fuzzy set
Intuitionistic fuzzy set
Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set
Issue Date: 30-Dec-2022
Publisher: Registrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102
Series/Report no.: Volume-27;
Abstract: Portend the scores of a match is inquisitive about match lovers and, owing to its complexity, becomes very interesting and meaningful as a research topic. In this paper, our work motive is to predict scores in a game from multi-observer data based on the knowledge of the min-max, max-product and max-average composition of intervalvalued intuitionistic fuzzy relations (IIFR). First, we accumulated an IIFR chart regarding an explicit emergency to obtain the required result and inspected it using the min-max, max-product and max-average composition of IIFR’s. Finally, we weigh up the three outcomes and discern that max product composition is more reliable among them.
Description: PP:21-26
ISSN: 2350-0352
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 27 (2022)

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