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Title: A Study on Gambhira Dance and Artisans: An Intangible Cultural Heritage Resource of Malda District,West Bengal
Authors: Das, Barnali
Keywords: Gambhira
Lok Utsab
Folk Dance
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Socio- Political problem
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Registrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102
Series/Report no.: Volume 19;
Abstract: Folk dances of West Bengal harmonize the beautiful culture of the State through their colors and celebration.In the ancientpast, folk dances were either agricultural or devotional. Nowadays, several socio-political problems influence folk dances. Prevalentfolk dances of West Bengal are Chau dance of Puruliya District, Santhali dance at Sonajhurihaat of Birbhum district, Gambira dance of Malda district, Durga Puja Dhak Dance, Gajan, Aalkap, etc.Gambhira of Malda district is an intangible cultural heritage resourcewhere the holy devotional dance is done by worshipers of Shakti (Goddess Chandi). Gambhira seems like a documentarydance course or folk play, a mixture of all kinds of art forms, like dance, dialogues, songs, and music. Gambhira performers use melodic instruments like flute, dhaak, cornet, and harmonium.This article researches the dynamics of Gambhira’s evolutionbyemphasizing the role of artisans and tourismin the growthof Gambhira inpromoting this famous folk drama worldwide.
Description: PP:98-105
ISSN: 0972-7388
Appears in Collections:Indian Journal of Geography and Environment Vol.19 (2022)

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