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Title: Utility Of Philosophy In Everyday Indian Life
Authors: Tiwari, Devendra Nath
Puja, Kumari
Keywords: Darśana
innate debts
Issue Date: Mar-2020
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Philosophy and the Life-world;Vol 22 [2019-2020];
Abstract: How do the philosopher’s work for diluting the problems regarding the different aspect of the individual and social life? Usually either they universalize the problem to the extent it is diluted or they analyze and divide it till it disappears A problem one confronts in any corner of the society or a conflict is there in the society or in an individual which is going on and persisting. How do the philosophers do in that situation? Are they just watchdogs? Do they side with the problem or favor any of the conflicting groups? Philosophy deals with the highest knowledge that is wisdom and in the process of philosophizing, philosophers dig out the problem, analyze the problem. They start with the simple to the complex one, invite discussions between the conflicting groups, try to come up to an agreement and resolve. If there is no agreement with the parties, it observes whether the problem is real or imposed. They reflect over to come to clarify the problem and resolving for the agreement. There is no conflict on real and the conflict is created when we impose our interest and allegiances on real. That causes problem and if agreement is not done on the certain part of the problem philosophy tries to make agreement on disagreeing on that point and thus, the conflict is diluted. This way we can practice philosophy useful for day to day living.
ISSN: 0975-8461
Appears in Collections:Philosophy and the Life-world Vol 22 [2019-2020]

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