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Title: Ergonomic Assessment of Manual Material Handling Tasks in a Manufacturing System
Authors: Raghunathan, Rajesh
Maiti, J
Keywords: Manual material handling
Ergonomic design
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Department of Human Physiology with Community Health , Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal
Series/Report no.: HWWE;2013
Abstract: Manual material handling (MMH) is one of the most physically demanding operations where workers are exposed to repetitive movements, awkward postures, contact stresses, and forceful exertions. A survey of the MMH work system characteristics in a manufacturing system was conducted. The musculoskeletal stress on lower-back and shoulder on the material handlers for combined MMH tasks were ascertained through biomechanical analysis of the MMH tasks. The survey indicated that 83% of the lifting tasks and 60% of pushing-pulling tasks are moderate to high exertion tasks. Digital human model in CATIA was used for biomechanical analysis and for redesign of MMH work systems where higher levels of physical exertions are observed. The ergonomic solutions for the manufacturing system are presented.
Description: Industrial Ergonomics
ISBN: 9789351749059
Appears in Collections:Ergonomics for Rural Development

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