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dc.contributor.authorBhattacharyya, Orchi-
dc.contributor.authorNandi, Suman-
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, Debamalya-
dc.descriptionEnvironmental Ergonomicsen_US
dc.description.abstractNoise is one of the most highly found physical contaminants from the trains. Its deleterious effects on human life are a serious concern now days. Besides causing permanent impairment, noise induces blood pressure, birth defects and aggravates aggression. The Jadavpur Railway Station was selected for the research, since it is one of the busiest stations in Kolkata. In the research work, the noise level which the daily passengers, the hawkers, the residents near to the railways tracks are exposed to was studied. 15 subjects were interviewed for the purpose. It was necessary to assess the noise exposure and to develop techniques for studying in various times with preventive solutions. A noise dosimeter was used to calculate the equivalent noise and percentages of noise level in ranges of decibels. Readings were taken for several trains in the peak hours and for different positions of platform and residential areas near the station. This noise has very important effects on the people and those who are continuously exposed to this noise have undergone negative adaptations. The noise level was found to be greater than the maximum noise that a human ear can tolerate without any discomfort. The data has been analyzed and effect of the noise exposure on human beings studied and some general mitigation techniques were discussed. The results provide an indication of present-day rail noise conditions on people working in stations and residing by the railway track.en_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Human Physiology with Community Health , Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengalen_US
dc.subjectRailway noiseen_US
dc.subjectNoise levelen_US
dc.subjectMitigation techniquesen_US
dc.titleEffect of Noise on People Residing Near Railway Tracks and Working in Railway Stationsen_US
Appears in Collections:Ergonomics for Rural Development

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