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Title: Problem of Phenomenal Consciousness:Some Reflection
Authors: Malakar, Bharat
Keywords: Access Consciousness
Phenomenal Consciousness
Hard Problem
Explanatory gap
Issue Date: Mar-2018
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Philosophy and the Life-world;Vol 20 [2017-2018]
Abstract: Consciousness is one of the most interesting, perhaps the most mysterious concept in philosophical discussion. When we say about something, we also think that we say it consciously about something. Conscious experience is the most familiar thing to any subject of such experience. We know our consciousness more intimately than anything else. Philosophers have struggled to understand the phenomenon of consciousness. When we think, perceive and act, a sort of information process takes place with an internal aspect. This internal aspect is characterized as the subjective quality of experience. In this paper, an attempt will be made to highlight the subjective quality or phenomenal character of experience which is also called phenomenal consciousness. Next we shall try to give some arguments against the concept of phenomenal consciousness. Finally, we shall try to provide an analysis of this concept
ISSN: 09758461
Appears in Collections:Philosophy and the Life-world Vol 20 [2017-2018]

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