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Title: Transition from CdSe Nanoparticles to CdSe nanorods with Growth Time
Authors: Manna, A.
Bhattacharya, R.
Saha, S.
Saha, S. C.
Keywords: Nanoparticles, Nanorods, Structural Properties, Surface Morphology, Bandgap.
Issue Date: 25-Dec-2017
Publisher: Vidyasagar University
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Sciences;JPS-v22-art10
Abstract: A simple chemical reduction route is followed to grow the CdSe nano structured materials at room temperature (30 0C). The growth time is kept 3 hours, 8 hours and 12 hours respectively to synthesize the material. The samples are characterized structurally, optically. The surface morphology of the samples are also studied. The result supports the formation of nanoparticle at 3 hours growth time. With the increase of growth time the nanoparticle structure changes to nanorod and is very prominent at 12 hours growth time. An increase in bandgap is also observed for the sample at higher growth times.
ISSN: 2350-0352 (print)
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.22 [2017]

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