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Title: Determining the Stability of Potassium Sulfate Nanoparticles Influence of Mineral and Organic Additives
Authors: Sadeghi, Mohammad Mehdi
Manteghian, Mehrdad
Keywords: Nucleation, Induction time, super saturation, surfactant, potassium Sulfate
Issue Date: 24-Dec-2016
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Sciences;JPS-v21-art9
Abstract: In this study, the induction time of potassium sulfate Nano particles was measured at 25 ° C and different super saturation in order to nucleation, by Acetone anti solvent, Also, the consuming volume of Acetone for nucleation, examined singly and at the presence of the superficial active material of cetyl tri methyl ammonium bromide(CTAB) and sodium citrate. Additionally, the surface tension of potassium sulfate nano particles has calculated at the presence of CTAB surfactant, by use of classic theory of nucleation. The results acquired that, at the presence of Acetone, the induction time rises by increasing the amount of super saturation, But at the presence of surfactant, the induction time is decreased by increasing of super saturation. In relation with the surface tension and also at the presence of CTAB, the surface tension decreased by increasing of potassium sulfate concentration. Generally, by evaluating of done studies, we can say that, eventually, the presence of additives, has shown to changing in the main elements that is super saturation and the surface tension and leads to change the induction time. Also, by use of Transition Electronic Microscope (TEM), the sample was taken a photograph at the presence of CTAB surfactant and was determined that the nano particle is formed.
ISSN: 2350-0352
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.21 [2016]

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