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dc.contributor.authorSahu, Ananya
dc.description.abstractThe Purba Medinipur district has a vast expanse of younger alluvial soils. It is divided into three parts.First, there is a strip of purely deltaic country composed of younger alluvial soils or Entisols bordering the Rupnarayan River and the Hugli River. The second division consists of the coastal alluvial soils of Entisols group. Much of the tract is salifereous and has to be protected from the incursions of the sea by embankments.There is a long narrow and elongated strip of saline and alkali soils of Aridisols group,stretching from Digha to the east of the Haldi river. The remaining portion consists of older alluvium belonging to Alfisols group along the Western portion near Egra and in a very small part to the northwest along the river Kangsabati. The present paper basically deals with the status of soil and related problems in Purba Medinipur district.en_US
dc.publisherVidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , Indiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIndian Journal of Geography And Environment;13
dc.subjectCropping intensityen_US
dc.subjectclayey soilen_US
dc.subjectorganic matteren_US
dc.titleStatus of Soil in Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal– A Reviewen_US
Appears in Collections:Indian Journal of Geography and Environment Vol.13 [2014]

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