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Authors: Sahu, Subhashis
Haldar, Prasun
Biswas, Susil Chandra
Biswas, Nirupam
Keywords: Health care unit
shift work
heart rate
perceived exertion
performance evaluation
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Indian Journal of Biological Science;Vol 19 [2013]
Abstract: The health care units remain open 24 hours a day, all the days in a year. Health care unit personnel must work in shifts to render proper service to the people. They have to respond properly, efficiently and effectively even in unforeseen situations. But work load in different shifts and impact of rotating shift upon the quality of performance and outcomes is an area that needs further exploration. The purpose of this present study is to assess the relationship between demanding work schedule and job performance of the health care unit personnel. The study was conducted on 130 health care unit personnel in two different government hospitals of West Bengal. Heart rate monitoring, perceived exertion and alertness rating were done to evaluate the psycho-physiological load of the personnel working in different shifts. Different performance evaluation tests were also carried out to evaluate the ability to perform various repetitive tasks in different shifts. It was observed that the nature of job demand in night shift is more in sychological domain rather than the physiological one due to disruption of biological rhythms. Perceived exertion ratings were found to be higher in night shifts and reaction time was found to be lower in both the morning and night shifts although there are individual variations in perception of shift work tolerance. Word staffing based on job demand, shortening the length of the night shift, sufficient rest between shifts and providing lifestyle training would help shift workers reduce their work load and improve performance.
Description: 42-53
ISSN: 0972-8503
Appears in Collections:Indian Journal of Biological Sciences Vol.19 [2013]

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