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Select the objects to download. If you select an album, all items in the album are included. A ZIP file will be created that contains your objects. If you choose a large number of items, be patient while the ZIP file is built.

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WIFI Access Points across the Campus approx. 200 nos.

IP Based CCTV Surveillance Server

Smart Card Prepearation and Management Unit.jpg

1 GBPS INternet Link Termination Rack.jpg

IP Phone VoIP Video Devices.jpg

Network COntrol Centre LAN Core Infrastructure.jpg

Smart Card based Attendance Devices.jpg

Sample IP based CCTV Screen across campus- 140 CCTV.png

Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Inaugurating the Smart Classroom


NMS_WIFI_INfrastructure_logical connectivity.JPG

Smart Card based  Access Control.JPG

WI_FI_Credential Allocation Camp  Help Desk- 21-24 June, 2016.JPG


Vidyasagar University